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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

【Greece】Sunset in Athens /【希臘】日落雅典

The first time I met P was right in front of the McDonald's near Syntagma Square. Yes, if you have visited Athens, you would know which McDonald's I am talking about. He messaged me on Couchsurfing when I posted a public request about visiting Athens. We didn't have a plan or destination, so we decided to just walk around Athens. 
我和希臘的P第一次見面是約在Syntagma Square前的麥當勞,就是每個去過雅典的人都知道的那一間。我們是因為沙發衝浪認識的,他在網站上看到我po要去雅典的消息寫信給我。我們沒有計畫和目的地,所以他決定帶著我四處走走。

Sunday, October 4, 2015

【保加利亞・食】奇怪嗎?保加利亞小黃瓜優格冷湯 /【Eat in Bulgaria】Odd? Bulgarian Cold Cucumber Yogurt Soup

Getting into the bus station in Sofia, Bulgaria

After crossing the border of Macedonia and Bulgaria, acres of sunflower fields, lakes, and endless greens appeared along the way. Then, the bus with only 6 of us arrived the capital city of Bulgaria at sunset. I wasn't sure what images I had in my mind for Bulgaria. Perhaps, it was where Bill did his dragon research in Harry Potter or the famous rose valley. Anyways, after a few days, its capital Sofia has become a city that has beautiful clouds and cold yogurt cucumber soup - Tarator.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

【台灣・食】阿花的幸福手作甜點之紅酒蘋果提拉米蘇 / 【Eat in Taiwan】A Flower Sweets Handmade Dessert : Red Wine Apple Tiramisu

The first time I had Claire's handmade dessert was in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. I think what I had was her blueberry tart and other kinds of fruit tart. At that time, I was sharing with other friends, and I was really amazed when I had my first bite. The whole box of tarts was raided and disappeared shortly after. I am a fan of tart crust, but I really don't like it when it's too dry. Yet, that is not the case for Claire's, and although I only had a few bites of her desserts, it was already enough to left an impression. I remember someone even secretly brought her dessert to me and said "eat it now, or it will be all gone really soon!"

Friday, September 4, 2015

【希臘】不自由母寧死:當希臘破產時 / 【Greece】Freedom or Death: When Greece is Going Bankrupt

Syntagma 地鐵站提款機排隊人潮,幾乎每台提款機都是這種陣仗。

This is the line for ATM at Syntagma metro station. Almost all the ATMs in Athens have lines like this.

I took off from Hong Kong, transferred in Moscow, and landed in Athens on June 28, 2015. The ATM at the airport had a huge line that night. When my friend R came to pick me up, he told me everyone wanted to get their money in advance because banks will be closed till the Monday after next week.

"Maybe they all came from downtown Athens just to get money out of the ATM. It's Sunday today, so every ATM in the city may very well be out of cash already. Maybe the machine here would more money for you tourists. Hahaha ... " 

Monday, June 1, 2015


攝於南加州的半山腰, 2012
2012 in SoCal



Saturday, May 23, 2015


「今天是星期天,很多店都關門了,希望我最喜歡的那間店現在有開啊!」我穿著睡衣睡褲,跟著Jan在巴黎巷弄內穿梭,一大清早的,有些路人帶著困惑的眼神看著我和Jan急促的腳步,「可惡這家沒開,我們去另一邊看看。」這就是Jan, 一旦決定了什麼就絕對不空手而回,包括找可頌麵包。

Sunday, May 10, 2015





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