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Friday, July 26, 2013

【紐約・飲】被中國城吞吃之小義大利咖啡雜貨店: NOLITA MART Espresso Bar & Gourmet Market

這幾年來,和紐約中國城比鄰而居的小義大利已經成為弱勢,幾乎只能靠每年固定的義大利夜市,吊掛在街頭的"Little Italy"字樣,還有集中的義式餐廳來提醒大家它的存在,整個區塊已經逐漸被大量進駐的華裔移民吞吃。所以當初在找這家店時是帶著困惑的心情,因為周圍都是華人開的中藥店、魚販,NOLITA MART Espresso Bar & Gourmet Market 妙手足療的隔壁,有點難想像一間這樣風格的咖啡店會開在這兒。NOLITA是NOrth of Little ITAly的簡稱,這間店也位於小義大利北區,周圍卻都是中文招牌,因此形成了有趣的衝突感。

As Chinatown's closeby neighborhood, Little Italy has become smaller and smaller, and only those Italian restaurants, regular street fairs that happens every year along with a sign that says "Little Italy" could remind us its existence. The whole area is slowly being occupied by Chinese migrants. Therefore, I was quite confused when I was looking for this coffee place due to the fact that all the stores around were opened by Chinese! Herbal medicine shop, fish shop ...and  NOLITA MART Espresso Bar & Gourmet Market was right next to a foot massage place, so it was kind of hard for me to imagine the market being here. NOLITA is short for NOrth of Little ITAly, but as mentioned before, being surrounded by signboards in Chinese created an interesting contrast with the vibe of the mart. 

NOLITA MART在地取材,採用來自Stumptown在Brooklyn的工廠烘培的咖啡豆,紐約上州農場直營的新鮮牛奶,還有紐約過濾的自來水(紐約是可以直接開水龍頭的水來喝的喲~)

NOLITA MART works with local suppliers, which include the coffee beans roasted by Stumptown in Brooklyn, fresh milk directly delivers daily from the farm in upstate, and filtered New York tap water.

不同於許多紐約的咖啡店為了講求方便和快速使用看起來很厲害的咖啡機,NM強調SLOW COFFEE,現磨現煮的咖啡:可以選自己喜歡的豆子,再選擇烹煮的方式,雖然要花比較久的時間,但是一杯好咖啡是值得等待的

Different from many New York coffee shops that use fancy coffee machines for the sake of convenience and time saving, the mart only serves slow coffee. All coffee is brewed when you order by their skilled baristas: You can choose your preferred coffee bean and how you want your coffee made. Although it takes time, but it's definitely worth waiting for.


Of course, a good coffee needs some delicious handmade dessert to go along with it. They sell macarons, brownies, Greek yogurt, and many different kind of cookies. I had a honey oatmeal cookie that day. Although it was slightly too sweet for my taste, it was just right for a smooth cup of latte with beautiful latte art.

如果只是這樣,紐約可能已經有很多差不多的咖啡店了,不過NOLITA MART的特色在於它不只是一間咖啡店,還有beer on tap,有我很喜歡的加州啤酒Stone。它也是小型雜貨店,繼續往店裡走去就會看到,除了各類冷藏及有機食材之外,還有零食啤酒,所有烘焙糕點都是和紐約本地的店家合作、每日新鮮抵達店內,更有賣我愛的il labratorio del gelato(是有很多創新口味的義式冰淇淋實驗室。)

If that was all, New York City might already have many similar coffee places. Yet, the special thing about NOLITA MART is that it's not only a coffee shop. They have beer on tap including beers from Stone Brewery from California, one of my favorites. It's also a grocery store. If you keep walking pass by the bar, you'll see that aside from many different kinds of refrigerated and organic goods, they have snack and canned beer as well. In addition, they are in partnerships with many local bakeries. They have my favorite gelato ice cream from il labratorio del gelato, too! (A very creative, innovative ice cream shop in downtown NYC.)


They even sell detergent, and speaking of environmentalism, you could bring your own empty bottle to fill. In brief, Nolita Mart is very serious about what they do, and they are very attentive to details, too. Their website is quite complete and delicate with a sense of elegance. It's hard to not like it. 

有機會到紐約造訪小義大利時,不要錯過這家店囉(店裡有Free Wifi)(店裡有Free Wifi)(店裡有Free Wifi)(我知道這對旅人很重要!)

If you ever get a chance to visit New York City and Little Italy, you really shouldn't miss this place (and there's free wifi) (there's free wifi) (there's free wifi) (I know it's very important for travelers!)

Address:156 Mott Street, New York, NY 10031


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